Material Details

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Its Applications 9-1,2,3 Jan-Apr,May-Aug,Sep-Dec 2024=3
Author JIE,
Publication Mantech Publications Pvt. Ltd.
ISBN - 10
Language English
Subject Industrial Engineering- Management
PublicationYear 2024
ISBN - 13
Class.Code 670
Edition - Reprint -
Page 42,0,136
Material Accession Nos.
Accession No. CD Accession No. Section Status Due Dt. Rack Sub Rack Member Institute
UJ1664 General Available UJ-16 DU

Note: Reference books are not for Issue

Book Content
Chapter No. Chapter Name Chapter PageNo Content No Content Name Content PageNo
" 9-1 January-April 2024 Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Textile and Garment Industry- Review Prof (Dr) Nemailal Tarafder 1-9
'' '' Digitalization and Industry 4.0 in Industrial Engineering: Unveiling the Transformative lmpact on Practices Mridul Gupta, Rashmi Khanna 10-24
'' '' Manufacturing Methods of Tarpaulin and Applications-Review Prof (Dr) Nemailal Tarafder 25-32
'' '' Optimizing lndustrial Engineering: A Comprehensive Review of Linear Programming, Integer Programming, and Simulation Modeling Techniques Aastha Negi, Pankaj Kumar, Meher Khan 33-50
'' '' Enhancing Industrial Systems: A Comprehensive Study on Human Factors Engineering in Industrial Design Ankita Agarwal, Juhi Kashyap 51-68
'' 9-2 May-August 2024 Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency through lndustrial Engineering Techniques Radha Verma, Kapil Choudhary 69-77
'' '' Ergonomics in Industrial Engineering: Enhancing Worker Productivity and Safety Akash sharma Neelam Verma 78-85
'' '' The Role of Simulation Modeling in Industrial Engineering: Case Studies and Applications Rohit Kumar, Poonam Sharma 95-101
'' '' Optimizing Production Systems Through Lean Manufacturing Techniques Ankit R. Gupta, Neha L. Patil 95-101
'' '' The lmpact of Industrial Engineering on Environmental Sustainability Meena Sharma, Ravi Kumar 102-110
'' 9-3 September - December 2024 Optimizing Production Processes Using Lean Six Sigma Techniques: A Holistic Approach to Efficiency and Quality Ajay Joshi, Manisha Yadav, Rohit Pandey 87-96
'' '' The Impact of Smart Manufacturing on Enhancing Supply chain Efficiency : A Comprehensive Analysis Prof. Radhika lyer, Naveen Chandra 97-109
'' '' Predictive Maintenance in Industrial Systems Using Machine Learning Aishwarya Patel 110-120
'' '' Ergonomic Design in Workspaces: Enhancing Worker Productivity and Safety Karan Suman, Arjun Mishra 121-128
'' '' Energy Optimization Strategies in Industrial Operations Anand Gupta 129-137