Material Details

Indian Highways 52 10-11-12 Oct-Nov-Dec 2024=3
Author HIS,
Publication IRC Highway Research Board
ISBN - 10
Language English
Subject Roads-India-Periodicals
PublicationYear 2024
ISBN - 13
Class.Code 625.709 54
Edition - Reprint -
Page 66,54,74
Material Accession Nos.
Accession No. CD Accession No. Section Status Due Dt. Rack Sub Rack Member Institute
UJ1673 Reference Available UJ-25 DU

Note: Reference books are not for Issue

Book Content
Chapter No. Chapter Name Chapter PageNo Content No Content Name Content PageNo
" 52-10 October 2024 From the Editor's Desk 4-5
'' '' Advertisements 2,6-15,55,67&68
'' '' List of IRC Accredited New Materials/Techniques/Equipment/Products 16
'' '' List of New/Revised IRC Publication 32
'' '' Technical Papers Review of Literature on Soil Structure Interaction Modelling of Integral Abutment Bridge in Cohesionless Soil and Practical lmplementation by Dr. Atop Lego 17
'' '' Behaviour of Box Girders- a State of-the-Art-Review by R. Manisekar 33
'' '' Consequences of Pandemic on Transpot Infrastructure, Safety and Environment by Dr. Khushbu Bhatt, Nirav H. Chaudhari & Dr. Jiten Shah 46
'' '' Empanelment of Referees 56
'' '' Call for Technical Papers 56
'' '' MORT&H Circulars 57-61
'' '' Important Announcement of 83rd Annual Session 62-66
'' 52-11 November 2024 From the Editor's Desk 4-5
'' '' Advertisements 2,6-10,35,71-74,75 & 76
'' '' List of New/Revised IRC Publication 52
'' '' Technical Papers Capacity Building of Stakeholders for Holistic Rural Infrastructure Development Under PMGSY By Surendra Chaudhary & Dr I.K. Pateriya 11
'' '' Planning, Construction and Operation of Roads in a Landslide Prone Area by Col. Sandeep Sudhera 17
'' '' Representative Modulus of Granular Layers for Rational Analysis of Flexible Pavements in India By Tanmaya Kumar Barik & Dr U. C. Sahoo 26
'' '' Sensitivity Analysis of HDM-4 Models for Developing Road Asset Management in India: A Case Study on Regional Calibration Approach By Sachin Gowda, Ganesha Kalburgi, Vijaykumar Sagar, Aakash Gupta & 36
'' '' Notifictions 53-70
'' 52-12 December 2024 From the Editor's Desk 4-5
'' '' From the Desk of Guest Editor 6-7
'' '' Meet the New Executive Committee Members of IRC 2024-2025 08-12
'' '' Advertisements 2,13,-22,33,55 & 56
'' '' Technical Papers Laboratory Investigations and Pavement Analysis Using Stabilized RAP as Subbase in Flexible Pavement By Dr. Dulal Chandra Saha, Dr. Sanjivani D Nigadesaha & Dr. J. N. Mandal 23
'' '' Analysis of Deflection Bowl Parameters in Low-Volume Rural Roads Constructed with Geosynthetics/Geotextiles By Dr. S. Shanker, Kadakuntla Manognya & Someswar Acharya 34
'' '' A Review of Performance and Design of Stainless Steel Reinforced Concrete By Amiyanshu 46
'' '' New/Revised IRC Publications 45
'' '' New/Revised IRC Publications/Empanelment of Referees/Advertisemnt Tariff for Indian Highways 53
'' '' Call for the Technical Papers/Obituary 54